In the draft 2023/2024 budget, Auckland Council has proposed sweeping cuts to community services, arts, public transport, sustainability programmes and more in order to save $125 million.
Auckland North Community and Development Inc (ANCAD) is a registered charity and community organisation that has been supporting the Auckland North Region and wider Auckland region since 1974. It provides backbone capability and capacity-building infrastructure, training, resources, and programmes to community organisations and social services providers. It is a thought leader and respected influencer in strengthening communities and systems change through collective impact approaches that enable resilient, safe, connected communities.
ANCAD does not support the operating cost reductions proposed by Auckland Council. Alongside many community members, we made a submission to Auckland Council to express our concern about the devastating effects this will have on social cohesion, environmental justice, culture and equity in our communities.
The key points of ANCAD’s submission can be found here below.