Our associates
ANCAD is a respected and trusted partner of central government, local government, local businesses and community sector organisations. At ANCAD we believe that strong communities are built from within. Our capacity-building initiatives empower individuals, organisations and networks to thrive. Below are some of the networks, partnerships and memberships we are involved with.
Shore Pacific Network
The Shore Pacific Network focuses on Pacific prosperity, fostering connections and collaborative efforts. ANCAD provides backbone support to facilitate the development of this Pacific-led network for Pacific people’s organisations, churches, grassroots groups and associated stakeholders and community members.
Bays in Action Collective
The Bays in Action Collective is an example of a strengths-based primary prevention community initiative. It consists of around 140 community organisations and individuals and focuses on creating community-led solutions for young people to prevent bullying and violence in the local community. Bays in Action and Bays Youth Voices foster collective actions, working with community members and groups.
Strengthening communities initiative
In 2023, ANCAD, Catalyse, Community Waitakere, Inspriting Communities and other partners convened an initiative with community organisations to mobilise a collaborative response to support and enable collective action that strengthens communities of place, interest and affinity, across the Tāmaki Makaurau region.
Auckland Council community partnerships programme
ANCAD has been pleased to contribute to recent Auckland Council Community Partnerships initiatives such as engaging with Pacific youth and ethnic communities where we were able to generate submissions to contribute to the Auckland Council Long Term Plan. As well as providing submissions this was also about amplifying voices and promoting community partnerships and strengthening relationships and dialogue.
Community Accounting steering group
The Community Accounting programme, supported by the steering group, is a collaborative partnership between ANCAD, Massey University and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ).
PBI Partnership & North Shore Wellbeing Leadership Group
The aim of the collective Place-Based Initiative (PBI) is to address any unmet family violence needs on the North Shore, through integrated, joint-response and community engagement, aimed at supporting community wellbeing outcomes.
The North Shore Wellbeing Leadership Group has a key focus on family violence response and prevention. It is a multi-agency and organisational netowrk that initiates and supports wellbeing initiatives and strategic responses to current and emerging issues.
Living Wage Employer
ANCAD is a living wage employer, joining other networks and organisations around the country to pay the living wage. The Living Wage Movement is a group membership-based organisation. The Movement organises through groups because groups build the power of civil society, bringing together thousands of people who share a common goal of reducing poverty and inequality in New Zealand.

Volunteering Auckland
Volunteering Auckland is dedicated to leadership, support and promotion of volunteering. They seek to strengthen connections with community collectives and networks to support their needs/challenges for volunteers.
Chinese Communities network
To come.
Community Networks Aotearoa
ANCAD continues to engage with capacity and capability builders throughout Aotearoa. A special thanks to Community Networks Aotearoa (CNA) the long-established national umbrella organisation for their continued facilitation of these vital, periodic meet-ups, conferences and shared resources.
North Shore Pasefika Forum
The North Shore Pasefika Forum was established in 2004 by church and community leaders to represent the growing Pasefika community on Auckland’s North Shore. The Forum’s work was to make North Shore Pasefika communities ‘visible’. It was to provide a base, through which the diverse national groups that it represented, were brought together to make a ‘Pasefika presence’ felt and a Pasefika voice ‘heard’, on the North Shore.
To come
More to come.