Bays in Action & Bays Youth Voice

Bays in Action Think Tank
Community mobilisation promoting the wellbeing of young people
Nāku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket, we will sustain everyone
This whakataukī acknowledges that shared accountability within communities is important because through working together, we can achieve more than we would alone.

The Bays in Action Think Tank was established as a community-led collective to explore strength-based solutions to youth violence and bullying.
A partnership project between ANCAD and Heart of the Bays evolved towards fostering a community owned Collective of community members, community agencies, local businesses and local government. What has emerged is a group focussed on promoting greater wellbeing for all, with an intentional focus on youth development.
A Youth Strategy has been developed by the group and we are now exploring our Action Plan for Wellbeing.
Our biggest challenge is to prioritise the many awesome ideas the group has suggested and decide the first win in what we hope to be an enduring work plan of complementary wellbeing initiatives.
The group has a vision of having youth at the heart of everything they do, our logo (at top of page) was created by a year 7 student at Northcross Intermediate and graphically designed by local business, Logo Logo NZ for the group to use as its brand and collective identity.
Bays Youth Voice
We will collectively explore funding opportunities to build the capacity of the emerging Bays Youth Voice facilitation role to have a broader youth development kauapapa. Heart for Youth Trust will act as a fund-holder and contractor for this mahi moving forward.

For more information
Deb Humphries, North Shore Family Violence Prevention Strategist