Pasifika Communities Engagement
Pacific Peoples Capability and Networks
Stronger communities together
ANCAD is all about helping our local communities thrive. We offer support, training (with funding) governance and financial and accounting advice to Pasifika community groups, working together to make our neighbourhoods stronger and more connected.
Our goal is to bring people together, share resources and create a positive impact for everyone.
ANCAD thanks Foundation North for their funding support for this programme.
Shore Pacific Network
In 2022, ANCAD supported the incubation and convening of the Shore Pacific Network, in response to members of the community wanting to have opportunities to meet and engage across the North Shore region.
The network reflected the changing landscape of Pasefika-ledcommunity groups and collectives mobilising to support their communities. A Pasefika-led steering group was formed to organise events and speakers. The inaugural event, attended by over 80 people, was held at Massey University Pacific Centre, with a range of community leaders, cultural performances and strong representation in all age groups. ANCAD continues to provide backbone support. Events have been held in Massey, Northcote, Albany, Takapuna, Warkworth and Silverdale.
The network aims to celebrate, support and make visible, initiatives within the diverse Pacific community and enhance the emerging leadership of the next generation. It brings together individual organisations and collectives to support a joined-up approach and facilitate regional conversations and initiatives.
Regular meetings are held to foster collaboration, share information, provide peer-mentoring, and strengthen working relationships.
We acknowledge the support of Foundation North and Auckland Council for their backbone funding support and all the contributing and founding members of the network and its steering group.
Investing in raising and supporting Pacific peoples capability in our emerging leaders is crucial to Pacific growth and expansion but also to Aotearoa’s socio-economic development. Pacific contributes $10 billion to NZ’s GDP and we all have a part to play in this.
Pale Sauni
Pacific Priorities and Cultural Lead