Child Focus Group

Our combined Child Focus Group and Youth Cyber Safety Forum


Child Focus Group (CFG) was formed in October 2010 with the overarching goal of strengthening the Auckland North community’s ability to effectively support children who have been affected by family violence and prevent them from further abuse by enhancing existing systems, increasing community ownership and the service response wrapped around families and whānau.


Thriving children and whānau in healthy safe relationships.


  • To raise awareness about family violence and its effects on children and encourage the community to get organised to prevent it
  • To provide a forum for information exchange, sharing best practices, devising strategies for provision of better services for children who have suffered family violence and preventing further abuse
  • To help improve inter-agency co-ordination, collaboration and communication between groups working for families and children in the family violence sector
  • To work in a way that acknowledges the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • To support and facilitate collaborative dialogue, projects, and campaigns that aim to reduce and prevent family violence and protect children
  • Enhancing services through the provision of meetings, forums, training, and project development

For more information


Deb Humphries, North Shore Family Violence Prevention Strategic Manager